![varvaglione migliore azienda](https://www.varvaglione.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/thumbnail_image002.png)
Varvaglione 1921 ranked among the best companies in Puglia, Basilicata and Molise for financial integrity
Prize awarded by Industria Felix
Varvaglione 1921 was ranked among the best companies for management and performance and financial integrity. Three Italian Regioni were analyzed: Puglia, Molise and Basilicata. Approximately 13,800 companies were carefully reviewed by the experts from Industria Felix with the CERVED Office of Research. Only 52 were awarded a prize. And only 7 of these represent the best financial performance in the province of Taranto. «It is always a great joy to receive a prize, but in this case, when it is the integrity of a company that is being measured, its overall health, the satisfaction is even greater. Because the ability to concretely work towards the future is based on this parameter,” states Cosimo Varvaglione, at the helm of the family-run business, which once again this year received this prestigious recognition.
“In the post-Covid period, receiving this prize again is a great infusion of positive energy,” comments Marzia Varvaglione, head of strategic marketing. “And it is a wonderful sign that comes from an industrious Southern Italy, bringing together with a hard-working policy that is typical of my father, a modern vision that has accompanied us in recent years.”
This year the prize had to adjust to the needs for social distancing; instead of the exciting event that Industria Felix usually organizes under the leadership of Michele Montemurro, the prizes were given through a video call moderated by the journalist and writer from RAI 1, Angelo Mellone.
The whole project was achieved with high-profile partners. In addition to the invaluable contribution of CERVED, the Prize includes participation of the LUISS University, the Region of Puglia, Puglia Sviluppo, A.C. Industria Felix, under the auspices of Confindustria, Confindustria Basilicata, Confindustria Molise, Confindustria Puglia, Politecnico of Bari, Università di Bari, Università di Foggia, Università del Salento, with the media partnership of ANSA and Il Sole 24 Ore and the partnership of Banca Mediolanum, Mediolanum Private Banking, Grant Thornton, Lidl Italia, Sustainable Development, FundCredit, Studio legale Iacobbi.